If you're new to Myzone, we highly recommend checking out our Myzone Portal to find out more about why it is the perfect fitness tool for you. Click below to get started.
Myzone is a wearable activity belt used to record your exercise effort (rather than fitness), so it doesn’t matter if you’ve been training for years, or are just dipping your toes into it. It’s based on your individual stats and is accurate (equiv. to an EKG at 99.4%). This means that it’s a level playing field for all (think of it as a golf handicap!)
Your Myzone belt monitors your heart rate, calories and time spent exercising that convert into Myzone Effort Points (MEPs). If you earn 1300 MEPs in the month you meet the minimum requirement for physical activity specified by the World Health Organisation* and you make progress towards the next Myzone status level. Your Myzone status level is determined by how consistent you are with your exercise on a monthly basis so if you do not hit at least 1300 MEPs for any given month, your status level will drop.
The Wellbeing Team will monitor your points and reward you as you accumulate them and move through the status levels.
RRP £129.99
If you are still not convinced then ask the Fitness Team to trial a demonstration belt for a few days.
“ MYZONE has taken my workout to different heights. I’ve learned that more is not necessarily better; effi ciency is the real target. I’ve also become more aware of what I eat because MYZONE tells you how many calories you burn in a workout session. Also, I don’t overtrain. I make small goals for myself and by using MYZONE to calculate my exertion rate and calorie burn, I am getting better results. "
“ MYZONE has made my gym a better club. My PT showed me how to use the MYZONE belt and what I needed to do to get into the red zone. I’d got into a bit of a rut with my training, but MYZONE got me back on track. I’m averaging four workouts a week now - three times in the club with a run outside. I’ve only had my belt for four months and I'm completely addicted. "
Don't let your effort go unrewarded
Click the link below to register your interest and we’ll help you get sorted with your very own Myzone belt!
* If you’re not familiar with the World Health Organizations Guidelines for Physical Activity these guidelines recommend a person performs 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week. In Myzone terms, this equates to 300 MEPs per week and 1300 MEPs per month.
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